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horse & pony behavior problems - Rick Gore Horsemanship

20 17:20:39

I have what i call a quarter horse mare 12years old, i have only had her two years. I had rode her twice at a walk and the 3rd.time i asked her to trot and was thrown immediatly,(broke my neck.)So of coarse being scared to get back on her and the amount of time that it had taken me to heal, all i have been able to do is brush her.(winter was among us by then) She is very touchy, scared at everything,and i have been touching and brushing all this time. Is this a lost cause to just have her to be safe around anyone? I have some problem catching her in the field, but i am the only one able to get her, once she is on a lead rope it seems like she is a different horse, but not trust worthy.

Your title to questions shows you do not understand horses and obviously do not know much about me.

There are no horse problems only people problems that do not understand horses. That would be YOU.

You went way too fast, you got over your head and this horse knew that you did not know what you were doing so it showed you that it was smarter than you. Sorry about your neck but at least you are not dead and are still walking.

The is scared and acting jumpy since YOU are scared and jumpy, you don't want to get hurt so you are being extra safe and the horse sees this as weakness and fear. You really need to invest lots of time and watch all my videos and read my entire web site.

This horse does not know  it hurt you and does not care, the horse was just being a horse, it bucked and you fell off, anything else you read into that will just increase your fear.