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Breaking my pony

20 17:20:39

I'm getting a pony as a project very soon and need a little advice. He is around 2.5-3yo and his current owners have already started basic lunge work with him as future preparation-as you do. But they haven't had him castrated as they said they want to keep him pure and, he isn't nappy, doesn't bite...etc so they don't think it will affect him or his training at all. They know him very well and from what I've seen too he certainly is very calm and I think that they know what's best for him, and I really don't have a problem at all with completing his training as a stallion if it's their better judgement. But I was wandering wether the process of breaking and riding stallions is any different than that of a mare/gelding? I am very experienced with riding and breaking/backing, so this to me is just another challenge that I'm more than willing to take on, but I need to know if there's anything extra that may be of help in the future regarding this pony.

HI Robyn

No different, but a few things to take into consideration.

Do you have an adequate place to keep him...........he will need  to be kept on his own, in a stallion paddock or with a suitable gelding companion  again with  proper fencing.  At least 6ft high, thats what we have  for our stallions!

He will know when a mare is in season so be prepared  for him to react accordingly.   Teach him to stand quietly  when mares are around and teach him to ignore mares  unless you want him to cover a mare,  we have different bridles for  everyday  work and covering work, and they  know which is  which.

Manners are important teach him these right from the start, he has to realise you and you alone  are the herd leader as far as he is concerned, any punishment  has to be swift and done at  the time of the incident, not a few hours later, sounds mean but thats how he would learn in the wild and a herd situation.
 Teach him to hack out with mares as well, another thing he will have to learn and  teach  him gain to stand quieltly in a showring, nothing worse than a stallion whose onwer  has no control over him at all..............nothing else to add except  its more or less the same as having a mare.  Give him your respect and he will  give you his respect, its a two way street with a stallion,  they  react well to  k=firmness and kindness and react badly to being bullied.

Good luck