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Horse not wanting to go into her stable

20 17:23:51

I'm hoping you can give me some advise. four months ago I got a thoroughbred mare that is turning four now in September. Unfortunately during winter so I only manage to ride her about 4 times a week, weather permitting. Recently she started refusing to go into her stable. She will just stand and make her neck VERY long.. She does the same thing in the morning when the grooms want to put her back in her paddock. Basically both ways, out and in she often refuses to walk. Can this be due to boredom?

Simply put, yes this could be due to boredom.  Sounds as if she challenging whomever in order to provide herself with satisfaction.  It is unlikely that there is an issue with her feet, but do examine them closely just to make sure.  Otherwise, she is just being stubborn because she can.