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Recently gelded blm burro

20 17:44:06

My daughter and I recently adopted two BLM burros (a 2 yr old jack and a 2 yr old jenny). They are coming along great on their gentling process. To make a long story short, the jack was gelded about 10 days ago, and he needed to get out of his small enclosure daily for exercise so the swelling would go down. The only way to get him moving is to let the jenny out with him. This has worked great until yesterday when the male mounted the female and proceeded to breed her.  My question is, will this gelding still be able to produce babies since he was recently gelded or was this just because he still has testosterone in his system?  I hope it is the later.  Thanks.

A newly gelded male should be kept apart from mares for at least thirty days. There are cases when a newly gelded male, has impregnated a mare. Also, it can take as long as six months for the hormone levels to drop, so he may still show stallion like behavior.
