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Naughty Pony

20 17:57:05

My 12yr old 11:2 Welsh Mountain pony that I have owned for 3 years has become a nightmare when tacking up.He pulls back, rears, spins and paws the air and tries to stand on you but he has never bitten or kicked me. I have tried putting the bridle on in the field but now he runs away and normally he thunders over to me when he hears the sound of my voice!Somebody holding him didn't work.Bringing his field mate in at the same time didn,t work. Trying to saddle him up in a stable/yard/stall is a battle. Once he's tacked up and someones on his back he's great. I reschooled him when I first got him and he's ruled by his stomach so I found that a reward of a treat and me saying 'Good Boy' worked well but now it doesn't. No matter what he does when he's being tacked up I just continue as if it doesn't bother me. I'm very firm and relaxed with him and tell him 'no' etc. His teeth and back have been checked ok. The only major change is he's now being ridden everyday. I have on occasion smacked his belly and screamed no but it makes no difference. He is turned out during the day and comes in at night all year round basically to control his weight. I would be grateful for any advice. Thank you

Hi Linda!

Ponies are notoriously evil.  They will be fine for awhile and then act up so badly that you are a hair's breadth from selling them and they go back to being fine.

I would like to know a little more about his reluctance.  Can you just catch him?  Will he stand in the cross-ties?  Can you touch him all over?  Does the obstinate behavior only start when a saddle and tack are produced?

Lastly, are you consistently longeing him?  Especially before riding and on non-riding days to just maintain some training on him? And I do not mean just running him in circles but, planned exercises and performing all 3 gaits on voice command?

It sounds like you are just grabbing him from the field/stall and getting on. He may need more structure to his training to get complete understanding from him of what he is expected to do.

I'd like to know more of your training plan with him and your ultimate gaol before I suggest anything more than longeing.
