Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > percheron and fences: Rick Gore Horsemanship

percheron and fences: Rick Gore Horsemanship

20 17:22:31

I too have a percheron,a gray mare that don't like to stay in her pasture. She has jumped my neighbors 5ft chain link fence, tore the electric fencer off the fence so she can leave with out being shocked. threw her water trough up so it shorted the fence out. Put her in the round pen while fixing the fence and she brent four panels in half.Broke out of her stall. she don't go very far and comes running as soon as you call her but she can't be roaming around with out some one there to watch her. I don't want her getting hurt. She rides nice, trailers no problem, ferrier loves her, we are working on dressage right now both of us are new at this so we are taking it slow. She loves being brushed she just don't like being confined. Suggestion for a new fence this spring???

Thanks Nora

How nice "She rides nice, trailers no problem, ferrier loves her, we are working on dressage right now both of us are new at this so we are taking it slow. She loves being brushed she just don't like being confined."

Perception is reality. This what you see.  What I see is this horse does not have an owner that knows enough to stop teaching her horse how to ignore fences.  You want to make this a horse issue, it is not, it is a owner issue. You want to see this poor good horse just does not like being confined, I see a horse that was set up to fail with crap fences and now it has learned dangerous lessons.

Since you only see this as a horse issue, I only see this as a owner issues that does not get it. A horse does not jump a fence without being taught to jump it. It does not learn to throw a water bucket to take out the hot wire.  Let's see had the bucket been large enough or secured properly or filled with water so it could not be picked, it would have never been thrown...............oh no Rick the horse, I assure you your horse would not pick up a 120 gallon water tank filled with water.  Once again you want to blame the horse for you improper planning.

You now have a bigger problem since the horse has been taught all these bad lessons and now, like always, to undo bad lessons is much harder than never to teach them.

Had you taken the time to do it right, you would not have to do this now at more expense and time.  You may have to dig a ditch next to the fence so when the horse goes to the fence, it looks taller, you may have to put a hot wire fence a few feet in front of your new high fence, you might have to put logs or ties or large rocks around your fence so your horse does not like to go near the fence, a horse will not jump a 10 foot fence, but they are expensive, but since this horse has been taught it can get over a 5 foot fence, the horse has been set up to fail.

Lots of things can be done, my guess is you won't do them since you did not do them in the first place.