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New Philly

20 17:23:39

I am getting a new 7 month old philly.  I will be keeping her by herself at first,
but how long should I wait before I allow her to be with my 10 year old gelding?
How should I let them get acquainted? Thanks!

Filly, in terms used with horses, is how you spell it, not the cream  cheese spread spelling.

If you have two pens, or paddocks side by side, let them get to know each other through the fence for a couple of days before you put them in together.  And watch how they interact with each other, making sure they are not striking at each other with their front feet so that hooves get tangled possibly.

When you put them in together, do it on a day when you will be around, to monitor how they are doing together.  That way if problems arise, you will be there to intervene.  There will more than likely running, bucking and maybe some squealing too.  They may also just go off and graze together without any of that.  Just depends on mood they are in.

It would be a good idea to have someone to halter the gelding, and hold him back from the gate, unless you have a pen you can confine him in while you release the filly, and let her wander around and get to know him in there too.  That way, if he is held back from the gate while you are leading the filly in, there will be no danger of someone losing some teeth when they first are turned out at the same time.

A minimum of 24 hours would be my suggestion for how long to wait, up to a couple of days, and then turn out on weekend in same pasture/paddock.

The gelding will probably be so glad to get a friend that it will go easily.  More than likely the filly will run the show, and there may be some kicking back and forth to establish that too.