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Horse problem

20 17:19:12

Hello there,
I have a 12 yr old thoroughbred mare who refuses to stand still at the hitching rail. Especially if I try to brush her. I have owned her for a few months. Whenever you approach her while she is tied she paces back and forth. And when you touch her with the brush she does it as well. It is extremely frustrating. And dangerous because she will run you right over. Any suggestions on how to overcome this? She is trained and was shown hunter/jumper before I bought her and I plan on doing that as well but feel unsafe around her on the ground.

Hi there Sarah,

You have only had her a few months, so you are still in the partnership forming stage.  I would say she just doesn't like being tied up.  Try distracting her with hay, food is a great way of reinforcing good behaviour. Tie up a haynet, then tie her so she can comfortably eat.  Talk to her when brushing.  When she fidgets tell her to stand, keep your voice calm and level, a simple stand still, and when she does stand, praise her.  

TB's are often quite thin skinned, so be careful if brushing sensitive areas, like her girth area and between her legs, it can be quite ticklish.

Hope you get over this and go on to enjoy her.  If there is anything else I can help with, then please do contact me.

Emma xx