Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > slicing off rubber on the central part of mouthpiece irrespective of any bit it is

slicing off rubber on the central part of mouthpiece irrespective of any bit it is

20 17:21:29

slicing off rubber on the central part of mouthpiece irrespective of any bit it is
slicing off rubber on
hello ma'am, as you said rubber mouthpeice bits doesnt encourage salivation, i got an idea of slicing off the rubber on the centre part of the mouthpiece so that rubber on the bars of the mouthpiece would be protecting the corners of horse lip as well as jaws and the centre part of mouthpiece which was a rubber is now sliced off and the original mouthpiece which is a metal would encourage the horse to salivate. how is my idea? is it okay? in the picture, image 1 is the rubber pelham where the rubber on the central part of the mouthpiece is sliced off and the new rubber pelham is shown in image 2. so, is my idea informative?

No No No!

This would be very uncomfortable to the horse.

It would lie unevenly in his mouth. It would hurt his tongue.

In fact, that is one of the things you have to be careful with with bits made of rubber. As soon as they split or a piece comes off of the mouthpiece, they have to be discarded.