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Building Muscle in My Mare

20 17:46:59

Hello. I have an 8 year old Foundation Quarter Horse mare who had a filly back in May. I have just recently started to work her and get her back into shape. She has lost quite a bit of muscle mass in her back along the withers and spine to the croup. She has always been a well muscled mare and I want to see her back in tip top shape. Do you have any recommendations for exercises or possible supplements that may help rebuild the muscles in her back? Thank you so much for your time.

Hi Dannette, I like rice bran to put on weight.  If the mare is still nursing, that will be taking some vitamins and nutrients from her.  I give my guys rolled oats, corn and rice bran.  I have heard people get good results from beet pulp as well, you just have to make sure and let the pulp sit in water for a good ten minutes or so before feeding.  Rice bran puts on weight and is good for digestion so no colic issues.  As with all change of diets, do it slow, a cup twice a day and move up from there.

As for exercise, carrying a saddle, carrying a rider, lots of backing, and walking up and down hills are all good.  You have to careful in winter with too much exercise.  When horses get their winter coats, they sweat easier and dry off slower, this can cause other problems, so be aware to dry them off good, a blow dryer helps and is good for sacking out the horse.  

If you don't have hills, ditches work good.  If you ride other horses, let this mare out and either pony her on other rides with just a saddle and keep her in round pen while you work other horses, she will move and you can work her from another horse, that way they both get exercise.

And you can take a nice long walk with her, good for both of you.  Let her graze and bond with her, she will like that!  :)

It can take a year to get them back into shape so don't rush it too much, she is only eight and will do fine.  Unless you have been breeding her back to back every year for the past few years, then you will have to wait longer.

take care,
