Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > clipping


20 17:24:26

how can I clip my horse's ears when he is ear shy and afrad of the cliper by hes ears and i have a show in 1 week!!!!! please help (also he is a stallion so he is very pushy storog and more)

Hi Amber,
I would think to yourself if you don't get him clipped by the show its no big deal, when you are working quick on a deadline things tend to go south quickly! That being said you could start slowly by taking the clippers from his neck over his ears to his nose- not trying to clip anything but just getting him used to the noise. Once that works for you you could start to touch the ears and work your way to clipper from there. Best of luck to you.
Best Wishes,
Caitlin Day Huntress