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behavior training and more

20 17:24:27


I have a 8 year old quarter he is a stallion and a show jumping horse he act very tried and when he is on cross ties people have told me he looks very old! and he does but hes not!! he has never been like that and when im riding him when i try to get him to go any faster then a walk he pinns his ear back and rear he use to never do that!! how do i get him to act like a show horse again???how do you train a horse to lie down And how do you teach a horse how to come to there name? thank you

Hello Amber,

You need to have a veterinarian look at your horse. If he is exhibiting  the behavior as you describe, it is not normal and he may have a physical reason for pinning his ears when you ask him to move on and if he is acting tired.

Horses usually have a very good reason for why they act as they do.

He probably needs to be gelded. There are far too many stallions around. Only if a horse is an absolutely  outstanding example of his bred should be be kept as a stallion. There are too mnay unwanted horsess around, and a stallion is a special type of animal to handle.There are also   liability considerations.

There s no reason to teachg a horse to lie down. It is an unnecessary trick, and can adversely affect the animal psychologically.

First have the animal checked by a vet, have him gelded, and then contact me and I will help you further.