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filly with red eyes

20 17:19:53

red eyes
red eyes  
hello ma'am, this is the photo of a 3 year old thoroughbred filly. may i know why she is having red eyes, didn't she had enough sleep last night? i took this snap around 9:30am.

Horses can have bloodshot eyes from irritants and/or allergies.
A horse's eye should not be red, and should look clear and bright with the eyelid tight.

Because a horse's eyes are so large and protrude so much, they are also easily injured. This is one reason why horses even out in a pasture need to be checked twice a day.

An eye infection is a serious matter. Be aware if there is any liquid running from the eye or any puffiness. Is the hay fed from an overhead rack? Sometimes an eye can become irritated from dust.

I really could not see very much from your picture.....just be sure to examine the eye closely and report anything of concern to the trainer.

Lack of sleep would almost certainly not have anything to do with this.Horses sleep at brief intervals anyway, and actually do not require as much sleep and REM sleep as humans do.