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Hard to Mount Barrel Mare

20 17:44:23

I have a 4 year old Barrel racing mare. Ever since we got her she's developed a bad habit of not standing still when tacking up and mounting. We did have somebody holding her head but this only helps so much. It takes 2 experienced people to tack her and ride her. This is getting ridiculous and we don't know how to fix it. We really need some help here. Anything you can suggest would help. Thanks a lot!

Your horse is smart and knows that when you saddle her you are going to run the crap out of her.  If every time I came to see you I would grab you by the hair and pull you around, you would fight me when I came to see you.  This horse is doing the same thing.  Your horses actions tells me that you don't spend much quality time her and only use her to saddle, work her, run her and then put up, so she has become sour to you and the saddle.

Work on your horsemanship and relationship with your horse and she will trust you more and not fight you so much.  Right now she is being a normal smart horse.  The problem is not your horse, it is YOU!