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My Arabian

20 17:18:30

Hi, I have a 4 year old Arabian that I have had since he was 1 1/2 years old. I did a lot of ground work with him and then had 30 days of riding when he was 3 1/2 yrs old. He was doing very well for a young horse but recently he doesn't seem to enjoy being ridden. Actually he doesn't to be the same horse. The other day he went into a full blown buck and threw me. I'm 61 years old and at my wits end. I have worked with several trainers and no one can understand why he has turned. Do you have any suggestions?

Hi Cheryl, I'd have to say first of all your Kadin is quite the handsome boy! :D

The only thing that I can really think of so far is to check for any sores or sensitive spots, under his saddle around his girth, check where your legs are placed as well. When you ride him there could even be a spot pinching him as well so make sure you stretch his legs after you tighten the saddle. Your saddle could be very uncomfortable for him as well, so check to make sure it fits him perfectly since he was technically still growing his body is changing and you may have to get a different saddle or a better pad. Your pad could also be a problem, it could be very dirty and you may have to wash it or it's not creating enough of a cushion or support for your saddle. Your bridle can even cause a problem, I've seen plenty of horses that have thrown their riders because they dislike the bit or hackamore that they are using (heck his teeth might even need to be done.)

Next thing is, how often do you ride? Some horses have their preferences whether it be the time of day that you ride or how often you go out and ride him. Study him in the pasture (if he is pastured) watch for when he naps, and when he wants to run and play, most horses keep a very good schedule (my horses, Victory and Flash, like to naps around 12 a.m., if I ride them during their nap time they get a little pissy). You could be riding him too often or too little, if I don't ride all of my horses at least 3 times a week they throw a tissy fit and ignore me for the rest of the month. Some one may be messing with your horse when you're not around, at my old pasture there were these kids that would come running into the pasture and jump on all of the horses backs whenever the heck they wanted to, they ruined my mothers horse, now no one can ride her bare back, she either takes off at high speed or bucks ya off. Your horse may be thinking that he can disrespect you (my horses get wild hairs up their "asses" (pun intended) a lot) which in my case, I usually fix by working them in the round pen until they're sweaty for the rest of the week, no riding what so ever until I think that it's ok.

I hope this helped you out allot, I did give you plenty of options so you should be good to go! Once again Your horse is very beautiful and I hope you guys continue living happily (and safely!) together forever! Good luck!