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Bucking - Rick Gore Horsemanship

20 17:23:48

I have a 14 year old Gelding I bought about 10 months ago. He has excellent Ground manners and a great trail horse.and will go though anything I ask. I have taken him a some long rides and no problems. But Now I'm starting to have a problem with him bucking. I saddle him up and he just stands there and acts like a old pro.I walk him around and tighten his cinch up little by little, and when I get on He blows up not always. Now I get up dust my self off and retack him up and than my wife gets on and he's find. All my tack fits him really good.Could it be that he is cinchy and I just tighten it just  a little to much? Thanks for any input

Not sure, what ever is going on it sounds like it is something you are doing different than wife. Could be your tack, your weight, the way you treat the horse or 100 different things.

It sounds like you need watch your wife, maybe video tape her and then video tape you, that way you both can watch.

The problem is whatever is causing it may be moot since each time it happens, the horse learns that he can do what he is doing with you. Now the horse get smarter and then will try this with others.

So I find it hard to believe that the horse is great on ground work and then does this, most issues fall in to lack of respect or fear, since he does ok with the wife I do not think it is fear.

Maybe this should be your wife's horse and you should get your own?  :)

If you watch my youtube videos and read my web site it will help you understand horse better and may help you see what is going on.
