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Bomb Proofing- desinsiting

20 17:44:03

I have a nervious 17 year old TB ex-race horse. He has always been on the more nervious side. He shakes his head alot while I ride especially at a trot. He attemps to rare occationally. I use to have him where a tie down but now if I start to feel him act up (usually just the first few ride of the spring season) I bring his head around to my knee and do small cirles making him work.

I have been trying to work more on ground work with him and making him "bomb proof" can you give more tips and what tools to use. I would love to get him to the point of riding in a parade but I am not sure that is going to be possible but at least he could be more less nervious. I have owned him 10 years but the past few years I have had babies and have worked less with him.

Horses can learn very quickly, no such thing as bomb proof, any horse is a reaction waiting to happen.  But you can teach him to look to you when scared.

I have a section on sacking out on my horsemanship page.  Read it and it will give you some good ideas.  Let me know if you have specific questions.
