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lunging problems

20 17:41:50

Iv been breaking my 3 year old Welsh D this summer, hes been lunged, long reined and i can now ride him over trotting poles, we've not attempted canter yet. for the past 3 days everytime i try to lunge him he lays on the floor, he doesn't roll around and he gets back up after a couple of seconds. He does this with or without his tack on. if i put the lunge whip on the floor as he starts to lay down, he gives up and stays standing. generally he is in good health, he runs around the field with the other horses and he'll trot up and down with me if i lead him in a straight line. I did wander if he was just throwing a temper tantrum and refusing to work but I'm concerned it may be medical.

Hi Kay!

The only thing I can recommend is a full check up from your vet.  This could be a myriad of things..... either physical, mental or a combination of both.

But, I always start with a clean bill of heath from a vet.  Once that has been established, you can confidently treat it as a training issue.

Until he has been cleared though, I suggest you stop all strenuous work or training.  You both will feel better after he's been seen.
