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horse walking crossly

20 17:20:15

cross walk
cross walk  
QUESTION: hello ma'am, may i know why few horses walk crossly like this? doesnt this horse reach ideal confirmation? is this a natural walking style of this horse? please explain me ma'am!!!

ANSWER: I think you just misunderstood the caption of the picture. I realize that English is your second language.

By "crosswalk" they just mean thst they are taking the horse across the path...they are not suggesting that there is anyting peculiar with the way in which the horses are walking.

I can see that this would be an understandable error.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: ma'am. i am sorry. i didnt understand your answer. my, question is

why few horses like this in the picture dont walk straightly? is there any fault in leading the horse (or) the horse developed its style of walking by making its haunches away from the handler from its birth??

please observe all the four horses in the picture i attached carefully.


At least from the picture, ot me it is obvious that the horses are just looking like that while being led because their handlers are just not making a point of the horses going in a straight line. Their heads are turned a bit to the side, and this would cause a  horse to "cross-over",and to move one way while their heads are turned in the opposite direction.

Leading a horse that is forward or fast are often crooked. We have a horse show class in the States called "Fitting and Showmanship" where the horse is trained and the leader is taking his time to make certain that his horse is going in a straight line.

In this picture it is evident that the main objective is to just lead a bunch of horses from one place to another...the straightness of the horses is not important.