Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > horse hating to get whipped on her rump

horse hating to get whipped on her rump

20 17:19:33

hello ma'am, my friend, an exercise rider was cantering a 3 year old thoroughbred filly. its was high time for him to accelerate her. she wasn't responding. he gave one smack with the whip on her haunches, all of a sudden she bucked making the rider fall on her neck but luckily he regained his seat after few strides. may i know what is the problem with this filly? didnt she like to get smacked with the whip on her haunches?


OF COURSE she does not like to get hit on her haunches!!!
No horse does.

Good jockeys, trainers and riders will work with horses so that they want to go forward willingly for their riders. Sometimes a whip does need to get used if your chief motivation is to make a horse run so fast that he wins a race. I personally do not like horse racing any more and this is one of the reasons. I hate to see the horses getting hit very hard during the race.

Some jockeys are masters of getting hte most out of their mounts by "hand riding", and using a whip only once in a while. If a horse is tired or sore or sour, a whip will not make him go fact sometimes they pull back from getting hit.

If trained properly, a horse will go faster when a jockey uses a whip with tact.If you hit the horse too hard, he dies not understand to go forward from it, or you use it with incorrect timing, then the horse may well buck. If I "tap" a horse with a whip I will usually just tap him again if he bucks but use my LEGS also, (of course jockeys cannot do this), to teach the horse to go forward from the whip.

IN regular riding a whip can just emphasize a rider's further explain what is desired, but of course in racing it is use  mainly to just get the horse to go forward faster.

I think this horse should just have a jockey with tact ride the horse and use the whip lightly and train the horse to know that this motion just means to go forward faster...not to buck.
