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herd behavior in my off the track tb gelding

21 8:55:46

  Hi. i own a smart, and wonderful horse off the track , 100 percent throughbred who is turned out daily with a mixed herd of 9 horses and only 3 are geldings all day for 8 hours in a huge 25acre field and they all hang together herd style.  The other day an old Arab mare of 28 years with cushings went flat down in the pasture and wouldn't get up.  She has done this before/  but this time Tanner went over to her and was caught pulling on her neck and halter with what seemed to me like he was trying to get her up and back with the herd.   My horse was found doing this as the owner showed up and she thought he was killing or hurting her horse and ran up to him screaming bloody murder.  She then said my horse charged at her , her mare got up and my horse grabbed her halter and began dragging her across the field to the herd....while the very upset owner went and called the vet .    There were welts on her neck from his teeth pulling her skin but no blood and she is doing fine , except for her owner who wants my horse euthanized and is very verbal about how crazy he is...etc.   I know my horse and he is not agressive at all... very layback and gets along well in a herd...has a good mind and is worked every day and an excellent hunter jumper.    Should i be worried about this ?

I would get a full vet check done on your horse so that the woman can not state he has any medical conditions that could cause mental issues. I would also get statements from friends and others who can state what your horse's behavior is. She could ask the humane society to have him put down or ask the barn owner to have him moved because she alledges he is aggressive. Most likely he was trying to help the mare up.
