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saw dust - creating problems in equines

20 17:20:44

hello ma'am, does saw dust(horse bedding), i mean wood pulp create breathing problem in horses?

Bedding does have to be carefully considered. More and more evidence shows that horses can demonstrate allergies to certain types of wood,and if the bedding is very fine it can cause respiration problems.

Many people use thicker pieces of wood so as to elimiate the dust factor, but these tend to be less absorbent. It is important to look at the bedding before choosing what you will use. Do not get extremely fine sawdust, and find out what kind of wood is used.

Horses already with respiratory ailments may have to be bedded down with something else, although straw is now fairly difficult to obtain in the States, and if it oat straw horses often eat it.

The best solution is for horses to be outside as much as possible with run-in sheds available for shade or storms. Walking slowly, (grazing) outside) is the normal condition for horses.