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horses turning stubborn and less impulsive when growing older

20 17:20:43

hello ma'am, do horses turn stubborn as they are growing older. we have a 11 year old thoroughbred gelding still racing and winning races. the trainer always put a stronger jockey on the horse. a young aspiring jockey told me that he felt very difficult riding that horse. he would need to put extra effort in urging.

so, they horses turn stubborn and less impulsive as they are growing older? if yes, may i know why? can you mention a reason?

Horses are amazing that they even try to do what humans think they should do. Many of the things we do to horses are against their nature.

It is too bad that an 11 year old race horse who was and is winning races for his owners has to still be forced to gallop and win races. That is a long time for a horse to race. It is very hard on them physically and mentally. The horse probbaly is having soreness, even pain issues, and this would lead to his just not wanting to run as fast as he can.

Picture your grandfather....would you expect him to be able to do what he could do at 21 years of age? If they are starting to have to force a horse who formerly ran his races willingly, they should find another venue for him. Possibly he can be reschooled as a riding horse.

If they are resorting to hitting him a lot, shame on them. He has done well for them. I am sure he has been "earning his oats" for some time. Horses are not machines that can be used up and then discarded. They should thank this horse for racing for them this long and retire him to a better home.