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halter training a young foal 6 months

20 17:47:27

I have a young foal, I cannot get a halter on her, she is now displaying threating behaviour towards me when I go into her field. She is still with her monther and they are both alone in their field please help.

It is tricky for me to be a great help without being there or knowing more about what you have done and what she is doing so lets start at the beginning. I think the problem may be that you tried to get the halter on her. Remember horses are prey animals and we are predators, so if we go up to a young horse and think we can just put the halter on we may be greatly mistaken. What would it take for you to be comfortable enough to let a grizzly come up to you and tie up your leg? If the grizzly came straight at you you'd run, if it tried to come slowly and then grab your leg you'd kick, are you getting my point? Horses are naturally curious, so whenever you are presenting something new, advance with the "new" pressure (halter, bag, whatever), and right when the horse looks curious back off and wait. Then in a while do that again. If you act like you have all the time in the world you will be pleasantly surprised how quickly she learns. You don't have to get this in one day, just try to get to the point that when she see's you coming she is curious about you instead of scared of you.
Let me know how these ideas work out or if you have a specific question.
Best Wishes