Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > snaffle bit diameters

snaffle bit diameters

20 17:44:44

I have a three year old filly that I am finishing.  She has had 45 days professional training last year.  I have been riding her with a snaffle bit as that is what she was started with.  Does a snaffle generally hang lower in the mouth than a regular bit.

Everyone you ask will have a different opinion on this topic.  A bit should not hang so it clangs or taps the teeth.  It should not me so tight that it causes wrinkles in the mouth.

The less it moves on it's own, the more the horse will know when you move the reins as a cue.  

You don't want it too tight or too lose, just snug and secure.

Hope this helps,
