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Retraining a horse

20 17:33:43

My name is Jasie and i'm 18 years old and I got my horse when I was 15. My horse is a 22 year old quarter horse mare. I am trying to get my horse back in shape for the 4-h showing season, but I am having some difficulties with her. I did not ride her enough this winter and so she is very stubborn now. I am the only horse person in my family so I don't have anyone to ask her to tell me what to do. I tried lunging her tonight and she kept standing right next to me and when I would start trying to get her to lunge she would throw her head up and start prancing and jumping. She is a very well broke horse when riding her, but I want to have more control with her from the ground. So what I want to know is how do I get control and start getting her back in showing condition?

Hi Jasie, Sounds like you and your mare are off to a good start, but I agree with you some good basics would put you ahead of things. I'd start by asking her to yield her hindquarters and shoulders, as well as practicing some backing exercises and sidepassing all from the ground. You want to make an invisible box around you and she should maintain that distance from you regardless of what you are doing with her. I'd also do some lose round pen work with her, driving her forward and away from you using your body and if needed a lunge whip. (not on her, just to encourage forward motion). You want to make doing the right thing easy and the wrong thing hard. So for instance, say you ask her to walk off and she crowds you or ignores you, instead of asking her for a nice walk, insist on a fast trot or even a lope, something to make her work harder a few times around, then let her walk. She'll soon realize that doing what you ask is alot easier (and less work) than  ignoring your requests. Be sure to keep the lessons short, as it will take time for her to get in shape and reward her often. You can also incorporate obstacles too. Ask her to walk over poles, side pass over logs, back around cones, the more you do with her on the ground, the better prepared she'll be under saddle and the more fun both of you will have at the horse shows.

Best Wishes, Jen