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2 year old hand raised Mustand

20 17:46:43

I have a 5 horse farm, but only because I have experienced horse people renting - not because I am experienced. I just love hanging out with them, grooming,walking them around and doing tricks and treats with them.  Now I want my own.  The one I have picked is a 2 year old gelding Mustang with little training.  He is fearless, curious, friendly and gentle.  He and I will learn what we need to ride together in the next year or so.  No one near me knows Mustangs, though there is nothing wild about this one.  Any warnings before I sign this check?

Luisa -

If this is a Mustang that was born in the wild you may come across some instinctual problems.  Problems revolving around the fact that humans are predators and horses are prey.  If he has been raised around humans and is gentle and halter trained already - then that will be much easier.

Mustangs get a bad name, and people seldom look past the name.  Mustang itself just denotes a  breed.  A breed that is known for inteligence, stamina, and durability.  For a person that is just begining - those qualities could cause you some trouble.  Sometimes Mustangs are too smart for their own good.

If you are going to be working with a trainer you should be okay.  If he has been raised around people for the majority of his life, he should be hardly any different than any other horse.

I will give you one warning, and it is a warning I give to anyone buying a horse:  No one sells a perfect horse.  Sounds stupid right?  Every horse has some type of flaw.  Some have big flaws and some have little ones - but all horses that are being sold have some type of flaw that the current owner doesn't want to deal with.  Take the time to find out what flaws this horse has first.  It may just be that his breed name is "Mustang", but remember that no one sells a perfect horse.

Best of Luck!
Michael Hockemeyer
Kicking Bear Mustangs