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My New Horse is Mean

20 17:46:17

I recently bought two horses that were not being fed and were not well taken care of. One of the horses is a sweet heart and follows me everywhere I go and her name is Princess, but the other horse is mean and is always jumpy and afraid and his name is Oreo. Oreo is a quarter horse who is 11 years old and Princess is 12. Princess was not ridden a lot or taken anywhere, but she is very well trained. But, Oreo seemed to get the grunt of his mean owner and be ridden a lot more then Princess. When we go out to the corral Oreo is always the last one to get and that is after we have the other horses tied up away from him and he gets lonely (usually takes about a half hour). Why does he do that? No matter what we do he won't be the first one to come up to us and always runs away. Also, he seems to be more afraid of men then women. I am always nice to him and give him tons of love and he does show me more affection then anyone else, but he still is mean and bad. He picks on all of the other horses and always has to get hay first or he bites the other horses. Even Princess who is his best friend. Another thing is when he is saddled he sometimes does not want us to ride him. He will buck or move a lot so we can't get on. We have to run him a lot before we plan on getting on him because he gets to mean. We can't run him because then he will start to buck. Is there anything I can do to help him be more nice and get rid of these bad habits or do you think I can send him to a trainer? Do you think he acts this way because of how he was previously treated? I love Oreo, but it is very frustrating because I want to help him and not hurt him. We have had him for a couple of months now and I am worried about him and not sure what to do.

Lets focus on the problem of him coming to you. Do you have a round pen or arena to work in? If you do, once you catch him put him in the arena and with a stick with a plastic bag on the end start to walk after him shaking the bag and send him around the arena. Keep sending him around like a plastic bag drone until he looks at, or even thinks of looking at you. When that happens stop shaking the bag and back up quickly about ten feet. If he keeps looking at you just stand there for a while. If he starts to look away and leave start shaking your bag and following him again. Repeat, repeat, repeat. What you want to show him is that if he focuses on you all pressure goes away, and if he leaves you your pressure turns on. Its his choice. Once you have this going for you write me again and I will give you the next step. He is just being a horse and it sounds like he is the top dog of the herd. You need to prove to him that you are a good leader and you are the top dog of your herd of two when you get together.
Talk with you again soon.
Best Wishes,
Caitlin Day Huntress