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Haunches In/Out

20 17:21:03


Hi, I was wondering how you begin to teach Haunches In/Out?  My horse understands moving just the front quarters, the hindquarters and sidepass, he does well at carrying a soft feel at all gates except for canter (we aren't ready yet).  I was at one of Buck's clinics (auditing) and he showed how to drift the hindquarters and I think this was a prelude to haunches in/out but can't remember.  I have tried this but I am having trouble feeling whether he is stepping under with the hind foot or not.  Any information you can provide would be most helpful.
Thank you,
Lisa Frye

ANSWER: Hi Lisa!!!

HOLY COW!!!  I'm doing back flips I'm SO happy!!!!  Just to know that you watched Buck makes me SMILE!!!  I'm thrilled to know that you went, watched and learned.  Totally cool!

So, when you watch Buck, I'm guessing he was riding Rebel?  He rarely stands totally still.  He is always doing something meaningful with his horses especially the youngsters.  If you are moving the hind quarters, really you are there!  Walk forward in a circle tracking to the left, slide your outside leg back a bit, right leg, and ask your horse to shift his weight to the inside of your circle.  Your left leg will stay neutral to open making sure not to get into the way of the movement.  Accept the smallest effort and the slightest try on the part of your horse, ask, get a change, release and walk forward then repeat.  Continue with this pattern to the left and right until you are getting a distinct step to the inside.  If your leg is not totally clear or ineffectual, you can use a flutter tapping with a dressage whip.  If you use a dressage whip, remember it is NOT to be used as a whip but as a more effective extension of your leg.  Keep your whip in the same hand as the leg that is asking for the movement.  Only use it if your leg is not getting the job done.  Bump with your leg, making sure you are maintaining a good, soft inside bend and then add the whip with the same rhythm and "bumping" as your leg.  Release and walk forward.

Make sure you are keeping your horse soft and round in your hands as this movement requires a soft feel.  This is an advancing step in the process of collection.  I think I have a pretty good example of a round, soft, haunches in picture on my website.  Look under "Our Horses" and find Jet at the mountain trail championships...look closely at the feet and you can see the step.

Don't worry about speeding up this movement until you can get several good deep steps at the walk, then add trot to your school.  This is also the precursor to a really good canter depart.  Remember, stay round and soft.  

Let me know how things are working out.  Buck does some pretty cool haunches in in the "Making of a Bridle Horse" series.  It is the snaffle bit video.  Also, use UTube to find haunches in by Bettinna Drummond, Thomas Ritter, or Charles de Knuffy.  Awesome stuff.

Keep me posted!  Ask more Q's if I need to refine this answer more for you.  Lisa, you made my day!!!



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


Thanks for your quick, informative answer.  I asked you specifically because I know how you feel about Buck and other Great Horseman.  I knew I would get correct information from you.  It sounds like I'm on the right track with what I've been doing according to your directions.  I guess I just needed some re-assurance:)  I will looked at your pictures of Jet and I agree a great example of soft, round haunches.  I will also look at the utube videos.

I live in Ennis, MT and know some of the people that had a impact on Buck's life.  I was able to be at a showing of his movie which he attended with his family and Cindy Meehl in Virginia City, was very cool.

I appreciate the fact that you are willing to donate your time and knowledge.  I have read many of your posts and have gained valuable information.  BTW your website is fantastic.


Huddle and Taylor
Huddle and Taylor  
Hi Lisa!

I had other friends that attended the Virginia City screening.  They said the Q&A was pretty amazing and that Buck did talk a little more about "Stallion Lady".  Pretty brave of her to sign that release and be seen all over the country.

I had a feeling that Buck said a WHOLE lot more to her...ouch.  I really hope she made the changes if not for her, for her horses.  Sometimes the truth really hurts and the nice thing about Buck and Ray it that they did not tip-toe around it.  It's not like they want to hurt anyone's feelings, but then again folks have to understand that what is being said could save their life.

It is SO nice to chat with someone that is really working on their horsemanship and that is taking the time to read, watch, attend clinics and learn.  All I can say is thank YOU!  It makes my time here feel worthwhile!!!

I'm so glad you enjoyed the website.  So much more I would like to add and do there, but that means I have to be inside and not in the barn!  WOOPS!!!  

I hope you can ride with Buck!  If you do, please tell him I said hello.  I know there are a lot of Denise's out there, so let him know it is Denise from Oregon and "The Valley People"  giggle!!!

Keep me posted on your riding.  It is my pleasure to help when and where I can!

