Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > trailering


21 8:55:29

Hi I have a 6 year old appendix quarter horse gelding. I do eventing. My horse has a bid problem loading. It seems that he has gotten worse and worse. He got so bad that I had to back the trailer into the barn to narrow his space to move around. I don't know why he might be doing this. Do you have any ideas of getting him on the trailer? It would really help.

Once horses develop a fear of a trailer, for whatever reason, its hard to talk them back into it. Since the trailer is a closed place, their fears often go out of control.

I'm not sure how much time you have at your disposal, but I've found the most effective way to get a horse on the trailer is to wait him out. It may take a few sessions, starting with just getting him to smell the trailer floor and stand for a moment.

Basically, just work on inching him closer and closer, without force. Just encourage him to come closer and give major rewards when he does. Some people don't like giving food rewards, but they really do work wonders. ;) The big thing you need to remember though, is don't let him start pushing you around. Just because your going easy doesn't mean he can throw his head into the rope and leave... if he leaves and starts pulling you away, don't get mad and punish him, but rather work on getting him to stop and instantly walk back to wherever you were at.

I hope this helps a bit... and if anything doesn't make sense, feel free to get back to me. :)