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show jumping horses carrying weight

20 17:21:49

hello ma'am. can baby thoroughbred horses feel burden carrying weight more than 50kgs? at what age, can an average horse regardless of gender and average confirmation, the horse can carry more weight while jumping over fences. i am talking about show jumping horses.

Depends on what you mean by a baby Thoroughbred.

TBs are generally large sooner than some other breeds, but it does not mean that they are ready to be ridden. I never get on a horse until they are 3 yesrs old and that is LIGHT riding...waiting until they are 4 for more serious and save jumping anything but tiny things until at least 5 or 6.

Then they have a chance of not going lame or their backs getting hurt. They may jump into their 20s then.

50 kilos is not much weight...I think that is about 110 pounds.

But think how many race horses break in the States they race them at 2 ...a crime....abusive.

There is so much training and  ground work and flatwork  that should be done before jumping.