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Misbehaving when riding with others

21 8:55:44

Hi Lisa, thank you for being available here! I have a 6 yr old Missouri Foxtrotter gelding that exhibits some stallion-like behaivor.  He was gelded at 4 yrs old, never bred.  I have owned him for 7 months and in that time have come a long way in our respect training on the ground. My problem with him is this.  He is the only horse I have, so he is housed alone in a large, spacious area.  I feel badly for him, I know he is horse lonely, but at this time, I cannot get another horse for companionship. I ride or work him or do something with him about 5-6 days a week, sometimes 7 days a week. When we do meet up with riders on the trail, he becomes overwhelmed with anxious excitement (getting better, recently, though) and wants to squeal and strike at the new horse, but at the same time, wants to be RIGHT up next to the other horse, either beside it or right on its butt.  He will knicker and whinny a lot, too, although that behavior is getting better as our respect work matures.  Since first learning of the squeal/strike behavior, I no longer allow him to approach a new horse to sniff noses, so then the entire ride is mainly a pulling match between me and his head as he tries to sidle up to the other horse for a sniff and whatever else he might do.  As I said, he is getting a bit better, and one lady I ride with will lightly swing her reins in his space whenever he acts like he's coming up to her horse, so he is pretty good when I ride with her.  I don't exaclty know how I should discipline him under saddle when he acts this way.  I am constantly making him do figure eights in the brush when he tries to move right up on the other horse, but then he thinks he's getting left behind and I don't feel it's making a point to him at all.  I hate the pulling on his mouth and how ineffective that is, not to mention my sore muscles the next day, it's that bad.  When we separate to head home after a trail ride with someone, you can only imagine the drama production he puts on.  He whinnies the entire ride home, he halts and starts, acts really high and makes excuses to spook.  He doesn't do this every time now that our relationship is growing and I am getting good at remaining alpha, but one time is too many.  The only thing I know to do is "give him a job," and this is what everyone says to do, but other than cirlces and eights, what does that mean?  What is appropriate for me to do when he won't focus on me, but instead wants to be as close as possilbe to the other horse and do who knows what?  Thank you so much for any tips on tools I should be using on these two things:  Parting company from the other horses, and riding with other horses.  I want to be able to take him to clinics and group rides and all that fun stuff!  Thank you!

Hi Roxanne,
          I apologize for the delay in answering your question. I do not feel the issue is that your horse needs more work as you are riding him often. The problem seems to be that he wants to be with other horses and that he is an Alpha horse. The squealing and striking are what 2 horses who meet up in the wild or a pasture would do to establish dominance so it is important that he knows that you are the Alpha horse and he has to do what you say. When he acts out on the trails you might want to carry a small whip with you and when he approaches another horse give him a tap on that side and say no in a firm voice. The tap with the whip is like a kick a head horse would give to another horse that invades his or her space. You also will want to do alot of ground work teaching him stop and turn when you say so. Also try riding him alone, with one horse, several horses so that you get an idea of when he is most likely to do this. Another thing I found that worked was to take to "fun" thing away from the horse while he is acting up. If he invades another horses space then dismount and when the other horses have passed by get back on him and ride the opposite direction and if he does do what you say make the ride a bit longer to reward him. I know you said that at this time you can not have another horse but could you borrow a friends for a "play date"? I do think that once you have establised yourself as boss these behaviors will cease.