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trining colt

21 8:55:45

Hi. My husband is an experianced horseman and I am not.  My problem is, He rarely has time to teach me how to train a colt.  I'm very interested in learning how to do this.  But, I do not know where to start.  My colt is only 13 months and she only likes me if I have a bucket of food.  I have managed to get a halter on her and she will lead.  But, i have to use feed to get the halter on her.  What do I need to do and where should I start?  

Hi there.

Training horses is a very tricky thing, and really is not for a beginner person. Horses have a very complex language of their own and it takes some time to learn what a horse feels and wants from you, and this is essential for training one.

My very first recommendation would be do to some research on horse behaviour and language (body language, vocal language too) and if possible, get yourself some lessons with a person who knows what they are doing.

In the meantime, however, you could work on doing some join-up with your horse, if you have a round pen. You do this by free lunging the horse in the roundpen... you have to keep him going (trot minimum, but don't try to push him to lope) in the same direction, do NOT let him turn around on you (you keep him moving straight by staying behind his shoulder). If he does, turn him back and make him go a bit faster for a minute. You need to keep him moving until he starts tipping his head in or completely turning his body to look at you in the center of the roundpen. When he does this, turn your back to the horse and take a step or two away. You'll be trying to achieve the horse taking at least one step towards you. At this point its okay to go give her a pat. If she turns and walks off, uninterested, repeat the process.

Hope this helps a little, good luck.