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undershot jaw

20 17:47:01

Hello i have a mare with un undershot jaw or parrot mouth. I have been ridding her in a normal snaffle bit but she is difficult to get on the bit, i have presisted for some time with a martingale but not really progressing much. I always thought a normal snaffle was pretty much the kindest bit you can use, however it was suggested to me by a trainer that isnt acctually the case? She said i should try a straight bit that works more on the poll rather than the mouth. What do you think about this?

Hi Jess!

The subject of bits is a complicated one.  Because you did not give me a detailed description of your horse, riding discipline or ultimate goal with your mount, I will just answer the bit question.  Her jaw should have no impact on her ability to have bit acceptance.

I disagree with the trainer's suggestion because one needs a jointed bit to work on both sides of the jaw to lower their head.  A bar bit does not allow this, that is more for a horse that already knows how to set it's head in a Western discipline and can neck rein.

I love the Myler Bit program.  You can Google it to see their different levels.  They have an explanation of their bits in both book and DVD formats.

From the small amount of info you gave me I feel comfortable recommending a Level I Comfort Snaffle with D rings with hooks.  The hooks will fix the headstall and reins on the cheekpiece.  Now, your horse just might be more ready for a Level II but, you should start in the Level I.

Lastly, draw reins would also be a valuable training aid.  But, one must understand how to use them correctly and know when to stop using them BEFORE the horse and rider become too dependant upon them.

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
