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21 8:54:35

 Hi Solange,
   I have an Appaloosa Gelding who is 15.2hh and will be 2yrs old on April 22nd. I was wondering how often I could ride him and how long each time. I don't want to hurt his back or legs. I am 15yrs old and weigh about 120lbs.
      Any advice you have, I would appreciate.
         Thank you for your time.

Hi Tonie!

I cannot say how happy I am to hear from someone who is so responsible with their two year old that they stop to consider how to properly ride them  ;-)


If you have never broken a baby to ride, the first thing I would say is get a professional to evaluate you and your baby and get you started the right way.

Your weight is fine for him and for awhile I would avoid the heavy show western saddles.  Pick the lightest one you have to ride in for now.

Right now the trade off is EITHER speed or time in the saddle ~ NOT both.

You can do some extended trotting and canter only the straight sides (NO cantering the turns yet)for a short period of time OR you can walk and trot normally for longer periods of time.

Get it?

Also, do not fry his brain.  He is young and does not need to be over-worked because YOU want to keep going.  Short, but consistent work-outs are far better than once a week for 2 hours.  You do not want to sour him to what he will have to do for the rest of his life.  Make him fall in love with it and willing to be your partner!

Don't forget plenty of turn-out to blow off steam and just be a baby!

Longeing is fine if you use the same trade-off....time or speed.

Watch him to tell you the signs of when he is done for the day and if something hurts, pay attention and treat it immediately.

Take the time and money to do it correctly now and reap the rewards ~ a lifelong riding partner who you can trust and who trusts you right back!

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
