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trouble with trailering

21 8:55:30

Hi, I have a 6 year old apendix quarter horse. He has a very hard time getting on the trailer. Hes not scared of it, he walks right up to it and sticks his head inside. He just won't walk on. I have tryed to give him treats to get him to walk on but he won't.He got so bad that I had to back the trailer into the barn to narrow his surowndings. Please help.

Lets start in the arena. Can you stand about 5 feet from the wall and send him between you and the wall? Keep your feet still and once he is through bump him with the halter lead as you focus on his hind end and make it step out of your way- so he is facing you and you can not see the hind end. Do this in each direction until it feels like it is working for you both. Now to send him in the trailer, stand outside the trailer point into the trailer and start to add some pressure with the end of your lead. Do not try to swing it to his hind end, just behind his shoulder is fine. If he looks in the trailer quit swinging your rope. Then start again, if he pushes back and tries to leave just keep the same amout of pressure and make sure he doesn't think he can run over you. What you are trying to teach him is that when he even thinks of going into the trailer the pressure turns off. Then each time you can raise the bar and try to get to the next step. If you get pretty close but not all the way. Wait for him to try again , and then ask him to leave the trailer and go eat some grass. Then come back and try again. Remember its not about getting him on the trailer, it is a fun experiment where you are going to watch and see how long it takes for him to figure out how to turn you off. "Oh! There's NO Pressure in that trailer! I'm getting in!"
Best of luck! Let me know if you hit a kink.