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plastic bits - light in horse mouth

20 17:20:01

apple mouth bits
apple mouth bits  
hello ma'am, are plastic bits like the apple mouth ones light in the horse mouth? are there any other snaffle bits which are light in the mouth other than aluminum snaffles?

Some horses like the "happy mouth" bits, but the name is more of a marketing tool at times.

I was told that they actually have a twisted wire snaffle happy mouth, which is anything but happy to a horse's mouth. I think it has been recalled for quality issues, not because it was deemed abusive.

"KK" Herm Sprenger bits are very light, but, are, unfortunately, very expensive.

I usually like a French Link Eggbut snaffle with a lozenge mouthpiece. Many horses go well with these.

You have to be careful with a loose ring snaffle that the sides do not pinch the corners of the horse's mouth.

Of course anything with a twist or bearings (Waterford) are barbaric and should not be used. The RIDER  (Trainer) needs to be reschooled as well as the horse.