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retraining my troubled boy

20 17:45:28

I have a horse around 7 years old. I previously had a bad trainer who told me to use heavy bits, spurs, and to seesaw. Finally (after about 1 year) I realized I had only established having my horse dislike me:( We have a deeper connection now and I would like to progress. I would just like an idea of where to start him off. I plan to do english, jumping,maybe even some dressage to change things up. He pretty much knows only how to walk trot canter. I have not been using much contact for fear I will do him wrong again. I would like to establish a nice bend, collection, and later go on to bigger things. Any ideas of where to begin? When it gets nicer out Im hoping to trailer to a different barn for good lessons, but until then I would like to do something meaningful. Thank you( also I use a nice D ring on him now, he likes it much better:)

Sounds like you have a good feel for your horse now. If you are wanting to work toward collection position your horse with his bum on the wall, slowly lift your reins-slide down- and slowly close your fingers to take a connection with his mouth. Hold and wait. As soon as he gives to the pressure in his mouth by moving his chin closer to his chest drop your reins like a hot potato! This will start to teach him that if he gives you give. Build on that until its really working for you, then ask him to hold it a little bit longer every time.
Best Wishes,
Caitlin Day Huntress