Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > studdy colt

studdy colt

20 17:43:24

I have a 2yo standardbred race horse(hasn't raced yet)he calls all the time even when he gets on the track he can't focus on his training because all he wants to do is mount is there anything we could do or give him to cool down and concentrate on racing besides gelding him?

Hi Rose,
           There are a couple of methods that you can try before you have to resort to gelding him. One of thos would be to put Vicks ubder his nose, to mask the smell of the mares. You can also put a halter on underneath his bridle and when ever he displays this behavior shank him and tell him no. If he drops when he is supposed to be working, give him a smacck on his belly or a light tap on his penis and yell no. You might also want to train him with an Alpha mare who will now allow him to show those sort of behaviors. This usually works with 80% of all stallions.

Good Luck with you racing.
