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tending to get loose

20 17:19:46

hello ma'am, what should i do when a horse is tending to get loose from my hands? most of the grooms here at our local racetrack tell me that they would put their best efforts to restrain the animal, when the horse is too energetic to runaway and they are unable to stop, they would decide to set it loose finally. are they correct?


Horses, especially at race tracks where there is an atmosphere of excitement and the horses are fit, can be difficult to restrain. It comes with the territory.

If the horse has trust and respect in his handler,it does make it easier to handle the animal. You may well have to put a chain over the halter noseband so that you have some control. I run the chain through the metal opening on the lower side of the halter noseband, then run the chain UP and THROUGH so that part of the chain slides over the leather-the force of the chain does not go directly on the nose.

There are leading techniques to develop which would help all of you in handling these horses IF you are given the time to work with the horses. They are outlined in the book by Linda Tellington-Jones entitled THE ULTIMATE HORSE BEHAVIOR AND TRAINING BOOK.

I do not like the lead to be put through the horses mouth, but there is a bit called the Chifney bit which is designed exclusively for horses difficult to lead. I do not like to cause a horse discomfort in his mouth, but it is preferable to having him get loose. A horse can get seriously hurt running loose in a populated area.
