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Neck Reining Question

20 17:46:38

There is a horse we are considering issue we're concerned with....he will neck rein turning one way without any problem, however, does not neck rein when trying to turn the opposite way.  Any reason you can think of and any suggestions we could try. As far as I know he has not been ridden English.  ?????  Thank you.

Rick Gore: Horses are a reflection of their rider or owner.
Hi Suzann, Neck reining is a word misused a lot.  If the horse is neck reined trained, he will do it on both sides.  When you neck rein a horse, the horse should know how to move off the leg and read your body position in the saddle. The reins are not really what is moving the horse, they are just an additional aid to the horse.  When I neck rein a horse, I put the rein on his neck, (right side if I am going left), I also push with my right leg, I also move my left leg away from the horse, and I look to the left which twist my body in the saddle.  All of this sends a clear signal that I want to go left.  If I just try and use the rein to direct the horse, it will not work.  So if the horse is not responding to one side, I would look at the rider and not the horse.  "To err is human, to blame the horse is more human" "It is never the horses fault"

Hope this helps,
