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Leading my 8 month old gelding

20 17:19:08

I recently bought an 8 month old gelding.  He is very pushy to lead, is there a way to keep him from running over me? He is very smart, I was told he ties and was halter broke when I bought him, he throws temper tantrums when I tie him and he pushes when I'm trying to lead him anywhere. What is the best way to stop this behavior? As for the tying I have stopped until I have a rubber innertube because I don't want him to hurt himself.  He tries to rub his halter off and paws. He picks up all of his feet and is otherwise a pleasure to be around, he is friendly and loves being groomed. I can walk out to the field and pick up all of his feet without a halter even on him, I just have a hard time leading him and I don't want to do anything to take his trust.

Hi Faith,
You have a very disrespectful young horse on your hands. Already at only 8 months old he has learned to not respect you. This needs to be nipped in the bud now. To teach him "respect without fearing you", you will need to get control of his feet. If you can control his can control his mind. Having said that, he is only 8 months old. So, the training sessions must be kept fairly short or you can do damage to his legs. And, a young horse has a much harder time keeping his attention span focused.
Instead of just lunging him around in mindless circles, try lunging him by changing directions, backing and always turning to face you. This is best done with a good rope halter and at least a 12ft lead rope. Get him to always face you no matter where you stand around him. always stay at least 4ft away from you unless YOU invite him in.
I hope I have been of help to you. If you go back on Allexperts history of my answers, you should find other problems asked like yours. There is a lesson plan in the answers called "Lunging for Respect". It was taken from Clinton Anderson. I added a few points I deemed important. Good luck and please stay safe.