Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > Skinny Horse

Skinny Horse

20 17:26:43

QUESTION: i have a 7 yr old ahqa gelding that is a very hard keeper i have tried weight gainer, alfalfa, whole corn, cracked corn EVERYTHING!what can i do about this is there anything i can do?

ANSWER: Hello Brenda,

Thanks for your question. How much does the horse weight? How tall is the horse? Avoid feeding whole kernel corn as it is not good for your horse. Also keep the alfalfa to a minimum aswell.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i didnt know that whole corn wasnt good for them im glad i know now. i would say luke weighs in around 800 pounds and he is 15.2 hands. i always wanted to know how to clear up diarrhea?

Hello Brenda,

Thanks for getting back with me. He should be at the 1100 pound range. Try cutting off all the whole corn (avoid for now on) and back off the alfalfa. He may have diarrhea because his diet is so rich. Make sure you horse isnt dehydrated I would give him some electrolytes. Try him on two feeding once in the morning and once at night. Switch his feed to 12% feed and add 1/3 cup of corn oil to the feed. Feed approximately 1pound-1 and 1/2 pound of the 12%. Get some good grass hay and try this if the diarrhea still is showing up in a few day call a vet asap.

Thanks and PLEASE!!! keep me posted.