Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > lungeing a horse with lunge line from chest to hock passing

lungeing a horse with lunge line from chest to hock passing

20 17:22:05


lungeing a horse with
hello, yesterday i had been to our local racetrack where i observed a horse being lungeid like this in the picture with the lunge line passing from the chest to the hocks of the horse. just observe this picture. doesnt the horse stumble or lose its balance when being lungeid?

This is what I call double lungeing and done correctly and carefully it is all right.

I put the outside line through the stirrup or surcingle ring on the other side.

I have an article about how to teach a horse to do this on my web site,

What is really HORRIBLE about this picture is how they have forced the horse's head into that position. This is VERY cruel and abusive and is called Roll Kur.

It should NEVER be done to a horse.