Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > full cheek snaffle - harsh

full cheek snaffle - harsh

20 17:20:58

hello ma'am, is full cheek snaffle bit a harsh bit? what about

1) hanging bit

2) regulator bit

Any bit can be harsh of the rider does not have an independent seat or is harsh on purpose with his hands.

Some horses have had injuries to their mouths and should not wear a bit,"We" are trying to get horse show rules changed so a rider may ride with a Bitless Bridle or sidepull without being eliminated.

The full cheek does not make the bit is the mouthpiece and the rider's hands that make it cruel. I have seen full cheek snaffles that are  twisted wire or other abusive mouthpieces.

There are "trainers" who actually pull on the horse's mouth on purpose to achieve a certain look.The horse can bleed and be subjected to much pain. Thexe people should not be allowed to have horses.

I am not sure what you mean by regulator or hanging bit. Please explain.