Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > BEING PULLED THROUGH THE MOUTH


20 17:20:57

hello ma'am, i dont understand what does

"BEING PULLED THROUGH THE MOUTH" mean in equine terms?

If they mean pulled IN the mouth it would mean that the person riding or driving the horse was using mechanical means to control the horse, not using their seat , weight and legs to help get the horse to understand what they want.They would just be pulling on the horse's mouth.

The other thing you might mean is that sometimes a snaffle with small rings, especially if it is too smallalso in length, can be pulled part-way through the horse's mouth. In other words the center of the mouthpieced would end up at one side of thehorse's  mouth.

Bit guards on loose ring snaffles would help with this.This is simply a circle of rubber that goes over the loose rings and prevents this from happening.  Also full cheek and Eggbutt snaffles would be better.

A rider must make certain that they are using their LEGS before using their hands to turn the horse.