Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > my horse tutu is now unconfident and quite dangerous to ride on hacks

my horse tutu is now unconfident and quite dangerous to ride on hacks

20 17:44:05

I have a gorgeous 16.3hh TB gelding he is an ex race horse, he seems to be very scared of dogs and things when hacking as soon as he hears a dogbark he runs and either turns or runs or gets nasty because scared, he has put us in a ditch together twice because i have tried to stop him running away and now he is uncatchable inhe field i know this is because he doesnt want to be ridden but he has a lot of potential if could work this out.  When i managed to get him to go past a dog he went crazy and nearly ran into cars never done that before.  I just cant get his confidence up when in stable or on yard he isn't bothered about dogs just when out and hears one even from a great distance. Help me please

Hi Laura!

It seems to me that his fear of dogs is not your real problem....but, more of a symptom of the larger issues he's having.

You did not say how long you've owned him, his age or how long he's been off the track.  You also did not tell me your experience level.

But, I think it's a pretty safe guess that you need help and some training exercises to do with him to establish a working relationship with him.

This must start with your establishing dominance over him, then him trusting you and finally you both trusting each other.

OTTB tend to be very needy..they really want a human of their own to bond to, so this is working in your favor.

First, stop hacking him out as what is wrong with the two of you cannot be fixed fromthe saddle while on trail.  And it will not magically go what's the point of doing it anymore till you have fixed a few key things.

Talk to your vet, farrier or tack shop and ask them to recommend a local trainer who specializes in re-training TB's.  Have him/her out to evaluate you situation and discuss your goals.

You need help in focusing your energy and his training.  You are asking him to do too much too fast and he's telling you by freaking out...."Hey!  TOO MUCH!!  I'M UNSURE!!!  I'M UNHAPPY!!!!"

Start with the basics.  You need to be longeing him daily and have a real training plan with goals to achieve each time.  Just running him in circles is not training him.  The trainer should be able to get you both started on building a foundation based on communication and trust.

Spending the time and money now to build a real working relationship will give you years and years of wonderful, safe riding together  :-)

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
