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Jumping Fences

20 17:42:55

QUESTION: Our horse Bitteroot, the grandson of Seattle Slew, has recently taken to jumping his coral fence.  We have the fence at eight feet with electric rope yet he still manages to clear it.  My neighbor, who owns horses, suggested that we try blinders to prevent this from happening. Do you think this could work?  We are in the process of getting and eleven year old mare who is partially blind as a stable mate hoping this will calm him down.  Any suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated.

ANSWER: Hi Robert,

Sounds like you have an athletic horse there. I'd start by trying to figure out why he's jumping out. Where does he go when he gets out, is it to eat, to other horses, etc.? Is he by himself? Have you had him long or has something in his environment changed recently. Let me know and I'll see what suggestions I can come up with for you.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: This is a recent development, he really doesn't go anywhere, yesterday he wandered into the neighbors yard.  He actually likes to interact with our dogs which are in a kennel parallel to his.  I'm beginning to think he is doing this out of boredom.  At the moment I am having to keep him locked in the barn while I'm at work, which I hate to do but I would hate even more for him to get into the road and get hit by a car.  The mare will not be here until next week so I considered my neighbors suggestion of the blinders until she gets her.  Do you think this would work?

Thank you.

It does sound like he's bored. I would not suggest blinders, not only will they not prevent him from jumping, but he could be injured while trying to jump with them on. For another week, I'd stick with your stall routine. Maybe give him some toys, (cones, balls, mineral licks) to play with while you are gone and possibly even some extra grass hay to much on.
