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Kicking Stable door

20 17:23:36

My daughter has just started at collage doing equine studies. She took her
horse with her. one of her instructors and yard manager made her tie her
horse up for over and hour because the horse was kicking he stable door. Her
horse did not have any turn out at collage and was in a yard where all the
other horses were going out and there were a lot of students around. her
horse is not used to this and normally goes out every day with our little
Dartmoor pony. My daughter got very upset with this treatment of her horse
and questioned the instructor quite forcefully which got her in-trouble. Could
you please advise me if this action is correct for teaching a horse not to kick
thanks, Dan Walker  

Hi Daniel,
               In my opinion, what the instructor did is very close to abuse. There is never a reason to tie up a horse for punishment. First, you try to find out what caused the behavior. From what you have said, it sounds as though your daughter's horse needs to be turned out every day to use up extra energy. I would do is to try and find him a boarding situation where he can be turned out with a companion.If that it is not possible, then she may have to exercise him more and provide him some entertainment in his stall. If he continues to kick the door, then they can work on some behavior training.
