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Chpiied Hooves

20 17:57:08

Hi, i have a four year old quarter horse, and he seems to have weird feet. My farrier says they are healthy and strong and hard, and i have them trimmed every 7-8 weeks, but for some reason, even when his feet aren't very long, they chip. It doesn't seem to bother him, but I'm afraid it could have a bad outcome someday. He is in a stall that has a large run connected to it, it's not muddy at all. What should i do to keep his hooves from chipping??

Hi Mariah!

Chipping is normal and while unattractive, it is not a hoof health issue.  I like a biotin supplement that can be purchased through a tack shop.  Farrier's Friend or something like that.  It's a powder you put on the feed.  It takes up to 6 moths of consistent doses to see real results but, I have had luck with it.

You may want to consider shoes too.  That may help keep his feet together.  A good diet and responsible turnout helps too...don't turn him out or ride him in him in mud or on dry, cracked ground.  Pick his feet often and keep thrush at bay.

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
